Book of the Week 3/13/2014

Today I wanted to share with you a wonderful local author Ruth Bass and her equally wonderful book Sarah’s Daughter.



The story is about a young girl named Rose who takes on her mother’s responsibilities after her mother dies in a tragic accident. She cares for her two younger siblings and the housework while trying to stay in school. Her heavy drinking father offers little support and at the climax of the book threatens to take her out of the school she loves and away from the teacher who gives her the support and encouragement no one else does. The book is set in the 1800’s in a rural New England town very reminiscent of Richmond MA where the author resides and where I grew up. I loved it’s transporting quality that took me back to what time would have been like for my grandmothers and great grandmothers growing up in a similar setting.
So this weekend get cozy and settle in with this great book because as we can see spring not yet upon us, but don’t worry it is coming I promise.
Also if you like this book the sequel is called Rose, and I hear there is a third book in the works!

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